
Beatrice & Sepp

Mountain enthusiasts. Pleasure seekers. Hosts with passion.

Mountain enthusiasts. Pleasure seekers. Hosts with passion. South Tyrol has a lot of hotels, it’s true. But these two would have to be invented if they didn’t already exist: Sepp and Beatrice. Everything they do, they do with hands and feet and heart and soul. You couldn’t wish for more authentic and genuine hospitality than with these two. Sepp is a widely travelled mountain expert. A real outdoors man with a penchant for pleasure. Sepp explored the peaks of Nepal with Hans Kammerlander. Nowadays, Sepp loves taking guests to his favourite mountains in his home region of Valle Aurina or to teach you how to make the best 'Schüttelbrot' in the country. Besides Beatrice and mountaineering, culinary arts are Sepp’s great love. Talking of love, that’s what propelled Beatrice to return to Valle Aurina. Actually, she comes from here. And that has to do with the Alte Mühle. And it made Beatrice leave her beloved Florence to be with Sepp and to make her long-cherished dream of her own hotel come true.

Apropos Liebe: 

Her love for this charming house and its guests is palpable. On walks with her through the meadows and forests. When picking mushrooms. When cooking jam. Beatrice and Sepp are happy to share everything they like and do with you. Look forward to welcoming hosts and genuine vacation experiences that you will remember forever.

Natur erleben

Sepp & Beatice zeigen euch das echte Ahrntal

Wo wachsen wilde Kräuter und wie werden eigentlich die herzhaften Pressknödel gemacht? Was ist das Geheimnis des Ahrntaler Bauernbreatls und warum schmeckt handgemachte Butter so gut? Welche Legenden ranken sich um die Burg und wie lassen sich fast vergessene Gemüsesorten wieder zum Leben erwecken? Das Ahrntal ist ein Eldorado für Neugierige, Wissbegierige und alle, die das Staunen noch nicht verlernt haben. Lernt das echte Südtirol kennen und erlebt Sand in Taufers und seine Umgebung wie ein Einheimischer. Sepp und Beatrice höchstpersönlich nehmen euch mit auf große kleine Abenteuer und zeigen euch ihre Heimat, wie sie wirklich ist. Ganz ohne Zuckerguss und Chichi. Dafür aber wunderbar authentisch und erfrischend abwechslungsreich.