Summer in Valle Aurina

Ah, Valle Aurina

Unspoilt mountains. Sunshine galore.

It’s so beautiful in the summer. With its lush green alpine meadows, the charming little huts and over 80 three thousand metre peaks, the valley never fails to impress. You only have to step outside the hotel door and you’re right in the middle of a mountain paradise. A thousand experiences and so many opportunities for hiking, biking, climbing and enjoyment await. This side valley of the South Tyrolean Val Pusteria is full of new surprises every day. Join us for a summer retreat and accompany the hosts Beatrice and Sepp on forays into the mountain nature. Deep into shady forests, where thundering waterfalls lie hidden. All the way up to the highest peaks. On horseback over all the mountains. Immerse yourself in the joie de vivre of Valle Aurina and look forward to genuine, authentic Alpine adventures.

Let's go

Hiking paradise

Strolling. Trekking. Climbing. Clambering. The Riesenferner-Ahrn Nature Park is a piece of untamed Alpine countryside, one of the most untouched mountain regions in South Tyrol. There are 850 kilometres of hiking trails where you can walk as far as your legs will carry you. 164 alpine pastures await. 80 three thousand metre peaks beckon with their wild beauty.


As far as your legs can carry you

South Tyrol’s untamed east. That’s what Alpinists like to call Valle Aurina. Why? Because there’s nowhere else where so much untouched countryside awaits you. And where, in other places, hikers step on each other’s toes, here you experience pure freedom. On the right, the valley is capped by the peaks of the Zillertal Alps; on the left, the Venediger Group beckons. One holiday is never enough to get to know the mountains of Valle Aurina. A whopping 80 three thousand metre peaks, 850 kilometres of hiking trails, 6 long-distance trails and over 160 huts. Many magnificent hiking routes start right on our front doorstep. And we are so delighted to have a considerable number of regular guests who visit us summer after summer to tackle the most beautiful mountain tours.

A Highlight

Hiking with host Sepp

When Sepp isn’t busy in the kitchen, he’s “out on the trails”, as we say. The experienced mountain expert loves taking our guests on his favourite mountain tours. For example, to the beautiful Rifugio Roma at the foot of the Collalto. Or to the Malga Obermairalm high above Selva dei Molini, where the cattle graze that will later find their way onto your plates. If you want to head off into the mountains on your own, Sepp will be happy to help and advise you and has plenty of insider tips to share, as well as maps.


Experience nature

Das große Glück liegt bei uns im Ahrntal im Einfachen. Im Echten. Kommt mit aufs Taufrischfeld und helft Beatrice bei der Gemüseernte. Schnappt euch ein Zelt und bestaunt den Sternenhimmel vom Gipfel aus. Streift mit Sepp durch Wald und Wiese und lernt das Ahrntal von seiner ursprünglichen Seite kennen. Wir nehmen euer Urlaubsglück persönlich und lassen euch aktiv an den schönsten Aktivitäten teilhaben.


Hans Kammerlander

Mountain legend and a friend of the house

Sometimes we have a little smile about the incredulous looks of our guests. Yes, it's really him! Not only is Hans Kammerlander a living mountaineering legend, he is also a really good friend of Beatrice and Sepp. So the world-famous Alpinist may happen to drop by for a coffee at our hotel bar. Or join us for a leisurely evening of telling us about his alpine adventures. Hand Kammerlander practically lives in the neighbourhood of Campo Tures and wouldn’t miss a chance to join you on a tour of the Valle Aurina mountains. Not only will he love sharing his first ascents with you, but he will also tell you how host Sepp made it to the summit of Mount Everrest in Nepal.