This regenerating compress is recommended for any kind of contracted muscle group, to revitalise the body and reinforce the immune system. Wolf’s bane, hemp and horse chestnut extracts, synergically blended with Stone pine and rosemary essences, have a stimulating effect on blood circulation. This ensures a greater supply of oxygen to the cells, that in turn favours the regeneration of muscles, revitalises the body and provides it with new energy
42 € (approx. 25 min)
The Alps blend with exotic charm. The active plant ingredients contained in birch, achillea and fennel, combined with incense, ylang-ylang and palmarosa, turn this compress into a relaxing and harmonising experience. The skin is therefore nourished and hydrated by an entire cocktail of plant extracts.
42 € (approx. 25 min)
This compress favours body detoxication and stimulates metabolism. Brown algae have a wide range of positive effects on health because they activate cell metabolism, support the activity of the thyroid gland and detoxify the connective tissue. Hazelnut, orange and grapefruit firm and smooth the tissues, boost blood circulation and provide the cells with oxygen and nourishing substances.
42 € (approx 25 min)
Seit eh und je hat man sich in Südtirol in Heu gebettet. Mindesten 40 Kräuter und Blumen finden sich immer im Bergwiesenheu, dadurch entfaltet es stark durchblutungsfördernde Eigenschaften, entspannt das Gewebe, lindert Gelenks- und Muskelbeschwerden und fördert die Entgiftung. Auf natürliche Art und Weise wird der ganze Körper unterstützt, ein wahrer Allrounder.
42 € (ca. 25 min.)
78 € (ca. 50 min. mit Massage)